TIP: We use the domain example.com as an example. Be sure to replace with your own domain.


  1. Open your command prompt.
  2. Now, connect with telnet using the following command:
    telnet example.com 25
  3. Type ehlo example.com. Some servers also accept helo in place of ehlo.
    ehlo example.com
  4. Type mail from: username@example.com:
    mail from: username@example.com
  5. Type rcpt to: friend@hotmail.com, friend2@yahoo.com (replace with your actual recipient name):
    rcpt to: friend@hotmail.com, friend2@yahoo.com
  6. To write the message – type data, followed by your subject and message. To end the message, put a period on a line by itself and press enter:
    Subject: My Telnet Test Email
    This is an email sent by using the telnet command.
    Your friend,
  7. Type quit to exit telnet.

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