FRS Jet database, or a Jet database log file is corrupt. You can run cmd as administrator and input the following commands to stop NetLogon and Ntfrs services and rename the database files and then restart the services (If any other dependecies are stopped, you can restart them after that.): net stop netlogon net stop […]
All posts by admin
Hyper-V Replication Powershell Script
Power Shell Script to show the status of Hyper Replication. $ReplicatedVMs = Get-VMReplication; If ($ReplicatedVMs.Length -GT 0) { # VMs with replication enabled found # Document VM replication health ForEach ($VM in $ReplicatedVMs) { If (($VM.ReplicationHealth -Eq “Warning”) -Or ($VM.ReplicationHealth -Eq “Critical”)) { # Current VM has replication issues # Add current broken VM’s […]
How To Enable Ping In Windows Server 2016 Firewall
By default in Windows Server 2016 the Windows Firewall is configured to drop all inbound ICMP traffic. This includes echo requests which are common from ping, which can make network troubleshooting difficult. Here we cover how to allow ping through Windows Firewall. A common response is usually to simply disable the whole Windows Firewall, however […]
Windows Server 2016: Configuring Hyper-V Replica in a workgroup environment – Part 2
Following on from part 1 of the series this is the next step in testing the failover. The most easy way to check whether the replica vm may be brought online is to right-click the replica vm DC on and navigate to Failover: In the next step an administrator can choose if he/she will use the latest recovery point… […]
Delete all items on your calendar
The process of deleting removes all the items from your data file without making a backup. Warning: The following steps will delete all items in your calendar, including holidays that are automatically added to the calendar. You can replace default Outlook holidays that are deleted during these steps, but all other calendar items will be […]
Windows Server 2016: Configuring Hyper-V Replica in a workgroup environment
In a workgroup environment the most common way to create the certificates for Hyper-V hosts was to use the makecert utility but, given that this utility is depricated now and the new cmdlet New-SelfSignedCertificate is available instead in Windows Server 2016, the process of configuring workgroup replicas became a bit easier. In these two articles I’d like to […]
Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V VM Replication
Setting up Hyper-V replication allows you to replicate a virtual machine from one Hyper-V environment over to another. The nice things about replication in the Microsoft Hyper-V hypervisor world is that there is no appliance to have to setup or other plugin you have to have to make this work. It is included in the box. Let’s […]
How to Host an FTP Server on Windows with FileZilla
To start, you’ll need to download FileZilla server, available here. After downloading the program, you can install it with all of the default settings. FileZilla will install a service that runs whenever Windows boots up, so if you would rather only run the FTP server manually, select the appropriate option from the drop down menu on […]
Mapping Network Drives/Folders via Group Policy
Introduction This is a how to guide on how to map network drives and pushing it out to multiple machines via Group Policy Steps (7 total) Ensure the network drive/folder you wish to map is shared and accessible Make sure that you have shared the folder/drive so that other users can access it. To do […]
Add user to Sbs Console
When an SBS installation is migrated to SBS 2008, oftentimes users won’t show up in the SBS console. If you add users the “manual” way with Active Directory Users and Computers, these users won’t show up in the SBS console. This can cause problems administering SBS. The resolution is a simple, but very obscure, procedure […]